fire.jpg (6581 bytes)fire.jpg (6581 bytes)The GOOD BOOK of




This, being THE GOOD BOOK OF PETER HENRY, was originally compiled by a former staffer, Peter Henry, who served at Camp Freeland Leslie for what seemed like eons. For many years now it has been revered as the oracle of all song-leading knowledge and the fountain of all things campfirey. Not until 1997 did one International Camp Staff Member from Liverpool, England dare to add to it.

Peter Henry’s notes have been kept in their original form, and alternative versions, alterations, corrections and further notes where warranted have been added by said Liverpudlian, Graham Holland (these notes being recognizable by the "GWH" preceding them).

If this book helps present and future staffers as much as it has helped past staffers then the endless blood, sweat and tears that went into its compilation will have been at least partly worthwhile.


Yours in Scouting

Graham Holland,
30th Picton Scout Group,
Liverpool, UK.

CFL, 1997

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